Yeah, You Could Call Me Versatile


March 28, 2012 by The Perfectly Imperfect One

Guess what? On Friday, I was awarded with another award from a fellow blogger. Can you believe my shock and awe that in two days, I could receive two awards? I haven’t won anything since I was in junior high, or even since elementary school, so this is truly an honor.

The award was given to me by Mother Grogan. It is called “The Versatile Blogger” award, and the rules are as follows;

Nominate ten other bloggers who I believe deserve this award, and then I have to list 7 things about ME! Oiy, that’s gonna be a tough one to do! (btw, some of the people I awarded the 7 x7 award to, may also receive the versatile blogger award as well, sometimes it just works out that way).

So, without further adieu, my blogs are;

The Gray Eminence over at Between Places

Judee over at In Tuit

FrizzText over at Flickr Comments

Arindam over at Being Arindam

Belinda over at Big Sur Writer

Jo over at Chronicles of Illusions

Jude over at The Writer In The Woods

Kate over at Kate Hobbs

Lori over at Lori Dyan (also nominated in my 7×7 post)

And, last but surely not least, Heidi over at Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Stilettos (also nominated in my 7×7 post0)


And now for the 7 things about ME 🙂

1. I love crime novels. I listen books while I work, and my favorite authors tend to lean towards the crime authors; J.D. Robb, Lisa Scottoline, Janet Evanovich, James Patterson, and Tess Gerittsen, just to name a few.

2. I HATE to cook! I know, that seems silly since I have a bunch of recipes on my blog, but I wasn’t really taught to cook when I was younger, so now that I am married, I have begun to cook more, not because I am married, but because I want to learn to cook more things.

3. I have cried over doing laundry. Before my husband was my husband, I had to do laundry at his house, and no one else was home, and he had one of those energy efficient washers, and I could not figure out how to open the door! It was not pretty!

4. I have screwed up macaroni and cheese before.

5. I have all 10 season of FRIENDS and can recite pretty much any episode, if it’s on.

6. When I was a child, I used to watch Perry Mason after kindergarten class.

7. I am 24 credits shy of a degree in Interior Design, but I don’t plan on finishing that degree.

18 thoughts on “Yeah, You Could Call Me Versatile

  1. heidikins says:

    I hate laundry, it is the domestic bane of my existence. I have a tendency to buy more underwear instead of going to the coin-drop laundry. (Ah, apartment living!)

    Thanks for the nomination!! 🙂


  2. orples says:

    I would have loved to have gone into interior design. Although, I doubt there is much of a market these days.

  3. Jo Bryant says:

    Thank you Tina…this means a lot to me !!
    My pet hate – ironing. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

  4. SanVar says:

    Congrats 🙂

  5. Arindam says:

    Big congrats to you on getting this award. And Thanks a lot for passing on it to me. 🙂
    I have cried over doing laundry too. I hope it’s same for everyone. 🙂
    Best wishes to you & your blog.

  6. Judee says:

    Aw, thank you so much for nominating me for the award. And I enjoyed your answers – I too listen to audiobooks, and I remember Perry Mason, too, but I think I was a little older than you. 😉

  7. frizztext says:

    congratulations to you!

  8. rommel says:

    Congrats! Again! And I rewarded you with CandleLight Award on my 100th. You’re getting grandslam!

  9. I often feel like crying over the laundry. I hate it. I hope that your husband took that as a good solid hint that he needed to be actively involved in laundry (ie. that you’ve been removed from that job).

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